viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021

October, November, and December with Nancy

Hello and apologies for the very late introduction. My name is Nancy and I am the English Language Assistant (ELA) this school year at ​​CEIP Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar. I am from California, USA and this is my fifth year working as an ELA. 

The first few weeks were spent introducing myself and getting to know how things worked around the school. Once I got the hang of things the first activity we completed in class focused on healthy eating and the food pyramid. As a class we identified different foods into the correct category: fruits, grains, vegetables, proteins, or dairy. Teacher Carmen had previously asked the students to bring in the weekly ads from supermarkets. For this activity, I told the class to find and cut out as many foods as they could find. Then they were each given a plate divided into the 5 categories. Their task was to glue each item in the correct category. The plates turned out great! 

The next unit focused on landscapes and the different types such as natural, human-made, inland and coastal. For the first part of this unit we focused on natural and human-made landscapes. I had a lot of fun with this lesson because I had the opportunity to show the class some of the cooler places in the USA. I showed them photos of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Antelope Canyon in Arizona, the Haʻikū Stairs in Hawaii, Bryce Canyon in Utah, and many others! With each place I asked them to identify it as natural or human-made. The following couple of weeks we moved on to inland and coastal landscapes. I enjoyed teaching this unit because it focuses on nature and all the amazing things the world has to offer.

Next on the agenda is winter holidays! I will definitely talk about Christmas and how my family and I celebrate this special holiday, but there are also other holidays the students may not be familiar with. I am looking forward to sharing these new (to them) holidays next week. 

Time has flown by and I am enjoying every minute of it. I will try to do a better job with this blog to keep you up to date on everything going on with the 3rd graders and all the material they are learning in their science classes. I hope you all have a great winter break with your loved ones!

P.S. To view any of the presentations linked to this blog post, just click on the underlined word and once the tab opens click on Presentación (top right) to begin the slideshow!

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