jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020


Are you ready to learn about the past?

First of all, you need to learn two words: HISTORY and TIMELINE.

HISTORY.  Watch the video. ðŸŽ¥

Measuring time and History. Watch the video. ðŸŽ¥

TIMELINE. This is an example of a timeline. (It's in your book, page 93)

In a timeline you write the years (in order) and the things that happened in those years.

So, now that you know these important things I think you're ready to do the first activity of these unit: Do the activity on your notebook 📗.

1. Do your own timeline. Sigue el ejemplo de arriba y crea una timeline de tu vida. Empieza el año en el que naciste y llega has hoy ("present day"). Hazla en español.

Para entregar la tarea sube a GOOGLE CLASSROOM las fotos de tu actividad en la tarea "My timeline".