lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

Invertebrate animals

Invertebrate animals are the last part of our unit. You can find information about them on pages 54, 55, 56 and 57 of your book.

Also, this video can help you remember all the groups.



Now, I want to do some activities on you notebook. 馃摋

- Page 54: activities 2 and 3.

- Page 56: activities 8 and 10.

Send pictures of your notebook with these activities by Classroom.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

Vertebrate animals II

 Hello! How are you doing? Are you ready to continue learning about vertebrate animals?

This week we are going to classify them into the groups MAMMALS, BIRDS, REPTILES, AMPHIBIANS and FISH. You can watch again the videos from last week. 馃憖馃摴

First of all, you have to read pages 50, 51, 52 and 53.

Now, you are ready to do the activities on your notebooks 馃摋:

1. Complete these tables with information about vertebrate animals. One table per group. Use this example:

 *You don't need to print this worksheet. You can write it on your notebook.


2. Draw a picture for echa group.

mi茅rcoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

Vertebrate animals I

First of all, remember:

What's the difference between mammals, brids, reptiles, amphibians and fish?

Now you know something about vertebrate animals. It's time to work on your notebook! 馃摋

Do activities 3 and 4 on your notebook (P. 50 and 51).

All right! See you soon!

martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Classifying animals

There are different ways to classify animals:

Here you have some videos:

Nutrition: Hervibores, carnivores and omnivores.

Nutrition and reproduction

Vertebrate and invertebrate animals

Now... ready to work on your notebook? 馃摋

Do activity 7 (page 49).

Copy on your notebook this diagram:

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020

5 kingdoms

All living things in our planet are classified into five different groups or kingdoms:

  • The monera kingdom
  • The plant kingdom
  • The protist kingdom
  • The fungi kingdom
  • The animal kingdom
Watch this video to see some examples:


Now, to remember all of those names, you are goind to draw your hand in your notebook and write each kingdom with colors in the correct finger:

Once you have your hand ready, listen to the song!!